October 5, 2018

Watch 'em Grow

Tiny trees on my daily commute
For several months, I noticed this empty grassy lot surrounded by lovely homes and large trees. It was awaiting a plan. It was green but also bare.

As I drove to work passing the lot with the sun starting to rise, and I noticed the neat rows of fledgling trees. From my moving car, I could not determine what type of trees had been planted. Will they bear flowers or fruit? How long until I can see growth?

A month later, I noticed that some of the trees were taller than others. Some were fuller; some were greener. They were planted at the same time. They were in the same sunlight and soil. They were receiving the same rain. Yet there were not growing at the same rate.

Two months passed, then three. And each time I passed that grove of trees I heard this verse in my head:  I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.  So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. - I Corinthians 3: 6-7

Hmmm. That explains so much. But God gave the growth. This is so relevant to our parenting journey in this season. We are planting. We are even watering. But we absolutely need God to bring the growth if there is to be growth at all. We can watch, and we can pray. We even speak up and share our counsel. But the Holy Spirit is there for them. He is good, and He brings the growth.

July 7, 2018

A year later. . .

My last post was over a year ago. How is that possible? I can truthfully blame gainful employment. My new full time teaching position has had me reading, lesson prepping, praying and grading the clever writings of my sophomores all year. It was an incredible year of growth and hard work for me, transitioning from part time teaching in my sweet, small world of a homeschool hybrid program to full time teaching high school English all day every day. So to catapult into the present: I could be described as the wife to Dan, mom to one middle schooler, one high schooler and one college student, a teacher to sophomores, a friend who now works full time and doesn't see her friends very often, and a long distance family member to. . .every relative that she has. This verse also describes my life: The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart. Romans 10:8. 

But how I have missed writing! I hear monologues in my head as I run errands from the passenger seat as my middle child beauty is now my chauffeur. I see photos in need of captions all around me, as I walk around my neighborhood or Orlando theme parks. Recently, I just feel blessed and thankful and a tad bit teary about it all. 

Okay, the aforementioned feeling is not new. That could be my bio on all of my social media. 

*Leaves to change bio on all social media accounts.*

Glad to be back at the laptop,