March 14, 2011


From my "38" Journal
April 20, 2010

Matthew 11:20-21: Then Jesus began to denounce the cities in which most of his miracles had been perfomed, because they did not repent. Woe to you, Korazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! If the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.

Once we've seen miracles, we are not permitted to clap and cheer and return to our old life as if the show has ended. Jesus is not a showman. The only acceptable response to signs and wonders is change. Repentance is that change.

It's so easy to take the gift and lose the receipt and forget its value. But Jesus does not allow this. Once we have seen the price and grasped the height and depth of his love and sacrifice for us, we need to respond with faith in the next crisis. We need to stand and believe the next time and the next time. We need to remember.

He is not a showman. He is a vineyard owner, looking to produce fruit. Our growth in this area of "faith" is fruit. Our hope in Him and our trust in His protection is fruit. Our understanding of miracles is fruit.

Once we have seen miracles, woe to us that might forget. Whoa!

March 7, 2011

Slowing Down

From my "38" Journal
April 19, 2010

The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

If we stop reading after the first sentence, we will miss the point here. I was once taught that this verse proves that everything that ever happens is God's timing and God's will. I now understand that this verse is explaining why we are still waiting for the return of Jesus. He delays so that more generations will know Him and spend eternity with Him.

I want this brand of patience with others, Lord. Help me to release my demanding, frantic timetable and gather more people in my net. To drag a wide net and pull in more. . .To slow down and be patient with people, who are stuck .
Because of some doctrine or debate or decision or disappointment.

I repent for hurrying past needs. I repent of impatience with those who are stuck.

March 5, 2011

My '38' Journal

Grandmother Delchamps inspired me with the books she bought for me as a young girl. One of my favorites is still "Legacy of a Pack Rat" written by Ruth Bell Graham. In it, Mrs. Graham shared a collection of her writings and poetry. It was so fun to read some of her personal writings from her life in a missionary family in Asia to dating Billy Graham.
For the past several years, I have focused my own writing time on encouraging others through the development of curriculum and workbooks. I have lately longed to revisit the fun side of writing. In February, I indulged in some rhyming and even posted some love poems here on the site. In March, I plan to share from my "38" journal.
Since my birthday last year, I have been filling a special journal to take a snapshot of my life in this season. So, stay tuned all month long as I conclude my 38th lap around the sun and share verses, anecdotes and even insights from others that I have collected all year long. Even more than encouraging other people, I want my legacy to include. . .