A strange peace has blanketed my house for the past six months. We have had dozens of questions for the Lord that seemed to be hanging in the air, unanswered. And we were ok, strangely peaceful even. This is a rare event for me. I am a planner. I love my calendar and my schedule. I giggle when the kids' school calendar is released each summer. I joyfully enter each vacation day and begin to contact our family members to plan holiday visits. It's my thing.
But this summer, all dates were tentatively entered. My husband Dan's job status was changing, and we were not sure if we might have to move to another city or state even. I was eagerly preparing for a new job, knowing that we would both need jobs and that fact might involve a move. If the iPhone calendar were on paper, I would have written our travel plans in pencil. Did I mention our life was a bit tentative? We kept praying and asking. Even without a plan, we maintained our peace. This is not usually my thing.
In late July, just two weeks before school would start for the kids and me, I was praying and heard the Lord say, "Fear Not." It was a calming voice that had authority to give that advice. It sounded familiar. It also made me realize that I might have good reason to be afraid, but I must instead choose not to be. Big scary circumstances are not my thing.
I could picture Biblical scenes of large glowing angels delivering messages like this. Instead of a plan, my prayers were answered with a "Wait" and a "Fear Not." If any person in my life had said, "Don't worry," I would still have worried. But when the God that loves me and has rescued me many times now gave me His reassurance, I knew that life would continue and something good was in the works. That's my thing.
Two weeks after school started for the kids and me, my husband's job status was better than ever. I can tell you that the privilege of talking with the God of the Universe is an amazing comfort in times of trouble. Hearing His still small voice is my thing.